Friday, 19 April 2013

sleek liquid illuminator review.

Hey ladies, 
This is a review on the oh so glamorous sleek glisten me liquid illuminator, Now I've been a big fan of highlighter/illluminators for a while now but I've only ever used powders. Any how i bought this months ago tried it once couldn't get to grips with using a liquid so slipped it back in my draw and forgot all about it. Oh how wrong i was to do so! I noticed it in my draw a few weeks ago and thought i'd give it whirl see if i could get the hang of it, i tried using my fingers and used different brushes and sponges to see which gave the best result, i found it worked well with my beauty blender then i used my real technique expert face brush then to go on and realise it worked amazingly with my real techniques contour brush! HALLELUJAH!!! now i've found the perfect brush to pair it with and have got the hang of it i haven't left the house without this baby on my face! i absolutely love it! The highlight itself is very gold in color it looks quite frightening in the bottle but on the face comes out very subtle. The main concern for me was it looking oily, now i have oily skin so the thought of putting a liquid highlighter on my skin was terrifying i thought it might make my skin looks even more oily than it already it or being a liquid i thought it might feel greasy but it doesn't and it just looks glowing. I cant wait for summer when i have a tan i think it will look GORGEOUS! The bottle itself is a bog standard 30ml bottle but because you need the tiniest little bit this will last you months and months!! :) I've did the "how long does it stay on my face" test and i worked from 8 in the morning till 5 at night last week and when i left work it looked the same as it did when i first applied it. yippeee!! when i apply it daily to my face i put it on my cheekbones, cupids bow, and my tear duct but if i'm going out after work i'll pop it down my nose, on my brow bone and also if you're wearing a dress you can pop it on your legs or collarbones for that oh so glamorous shimmer. Now i can't find this on the sleek website anymore i don't know if they've stopped stocking it (i bloody hope not!) or if they're just out of stock but you can get this on amazon and ebay for about £5/£6 
so check it out and let me know if you love this as much as i do!
:) xx

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